
John Benjamin, CFP®

Assistant Vice President & Financial Advisor
John Benjamin CFP® | Assistant Vice President & Financial Advisor | Seventy2 Capital

John Benjamin is a Financial Advisor and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Seventy2 Capital. He focuses on delivering comprehensive wealth management strategies, including retirement planning, investment portfolio recommendations, tax-efficient strategies and liability management to attorneys, business owners, corporate executives, and other high-net-worth clients.


Prior to joining Seventy2 Capital, John worked for three years as a Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley where he specialized in investment planning, portfolio construction and securities-based lending. Prior to that, John spent eight years working as an equity securities investigator for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the independent regulatory organization of the securities industry. At FINRA, John’s primary responsibilities were to protect the investing public and maintain the integrity of the U.S. financial markets by conducting market surveillance and comprehensive investigations of suspicious trading activity. Additionally, John has a background in energy trading and foreign currency markets.


John holds professional wealth management certificates in Investment Management Theory & Practice from the Yale School of Management and Certified Financial Planning from the University of Virginia. Additionally, John received an MBA from the University of Maryland University College and a bachelor’s degree from the University of South Carolina. As a Level 4 USA Hockey-certified coach, John coaches ice hockey at the high school level in his free time.


Location: Bethesda